Holiday De-Stress

How much time do you spend relaxing during the week? You know yourself more than anyone else does – how much rest do you need to feel renewed energy?

Good ideas include:

  • a warm, sudsy bubble bath
  • reciprocal foot rubs
  • chicken soup [with garlic to ward off colds]
  • see some lighthearted comedy
  • read a good book
  • sit in front of a roaring fire
  • spend relaxed time with friends

If you’re feeling overwhelmed this holiday season, you’re not alone! Many of my Minneapolis area life coaching clients feel this way when the days are short but the to-do lists are longer than ever.

Contact me today if you’re looking for peace in the midst of the overwhelm, or if you want help reprioritizing your holiday to-do list according to your values – so you can enjoy the holiday season once again!