Meet Retirement Coach Karen Carr, Founder of Revitalize Coaching
Karen Carr: Certified Life Coach, Minneapolis / St. Paul MN | Certified Professional Retirement Coach, ACC, CPCC, M. Ed
Expert on how to retire happy!
Would you like to speak about your Retirement?
Click below to schedule a free retirement consultation with me:
retire happy
Here’s a secret: most people do more planning for a 2-week vacation than they do for their own retirement!
Retirement Coach Karen Carr gives you the retirement wisdom you just can’t get from your financial advisor, including how to:
- structure your days
- look after your mental well-being
- replace the aspects of work that gave your life meaning
- develop an “aptitude for leisure” and purpose
- retire happy
- retirement transition coaching
your health in retirement
Now is the time: good health is the best retirement gift you can give yourself.
- Health nut … or health rut? Discover the simple keys to staying active & eating right.
- Exercise your right to a healthy & happy retirement.
- Get … or stay … active as a natural part of your routine.
- Create strategies to cope if you or your partner has a health setback.
- Health: a hugely important aspect of how to retire happy
- Part of Karen’s work as a retirement coach includes coaching people on how to have a healthy lifestyle.
relationships: your wealth in retirement
Relationships do change during retirement … but research shows that meaningful relationships & a sense of community are a big part of how to retire happy. Revitalize Retirement Coaching can help you decide how you will manage:
- the realities of spending more time with your spouse
- demands on your newfound “free time” from parents, children & your community
- being joyfully present for your grandchildren … without compromising your identity & desires
- how to create even more meaningful relationships as you retire happy
how to retire happy: your contribution & legacy
The happy retiree has the ability to care for him or herself and others in new ways. Happy retiree clients report that retirement coaching has helped them focus on how they can:
- transition successfully into retirement
- contribute & give back
- redefine their personal value and live by their personal values
- expand their options & make more optimal choices
- create a more fulfilling life
- learn how to retire happy
- at last, have what they want & live the way they want.
Saving enough money is only part of the key to enjoying retirement. Some good instruction can help you thrive after…
Read MoreWhat is in the word “retirement” for you? Today at church I made small talk with the usher who, when…
Read MoreHere’s a secret: the most important relationship in your life isn’t the one you have with your children, your spouse…
Read MoreRetirement Coaching gives you the tools to create the retirement lifestyle of your dreams. Rely on our personalized retirement coaching process to make these your best years.
Are you ready to retire? Take “The Retirement Quiz” and find out.
Want to know how others retire happy? Our Retirement Success Stories can help guide your thinking around this important life transition, so you can learn to thrive in your retirement.
"the retirement coach" will help you ...
Leverage your strengths
Most people spend their lives trying to fix their weaknesses. Let coaching with Minneapolis retirement coach Karen Carr show you how to discover – and leverage – your passions, interests & strengths during your retirement years.
Achieve Your Goals
In retirement, we’re not drifting aimlessly. We can and should have meaningful goals! Know where you want to be, but facing obstacles to get there? Tired of living to please others or putting your desires on the back-burner? This is the time to assess what’s getting in your way and finally live life on your terms. Contact Minneapolis retirement coach Karen Carr for a complimentary consult.
Live By Your Values
When you’re seeking validation, approval or wanting to be seen as a great friend, leader, spouse, parent or person, it’s a drain of energy, authenticity and a time suck away from your cause. Becoming a powerful person starts with self-awareness and a firm grasp of your core values. Work with Karen Carr, the retirement coach, to uncover and live by your values during these crucial years.
Testimonials about "the retirement coach"

Norris Waalen, President, Runestone Wealth Advisors LLC & Norris Waalen CPA
Karen Carr is Certified Professional Co-Active Coach® (CPCC) from the Coaches Training Institute (CTI) of San Rafael, CA. She is an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaches Federation (ICF) and holds a Master’s Degree in Teaching from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. She also graduated with a B.A. in Women’s Studies and English from the University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts. She is an expert in how to retire happy.

Would you like to speak about your Retirement?
Click below to schedule a free retirement consultation with me: